7 ways to use social proof to increase conversions on your eCommerce site

eCommerce site

As online shopping continues to grow in popularity, eCommerce sites are becoming more and more competitive. This means that it is increasingly important for businesses to differentiate themselves from the pack by offering their customers an experience that they can’t get anywhere else. One way that you can do this is by using social proof on your site to increase conversions! Here are 7 ways you can build up social proof and boost your eCommerce conversion rates! Why Social Proof Matters in 2022? Websites are meant to provide information, not make purchases. In order for consumers in the 21st century who have grown accustomed to getting everything they need online and on-demand because it’s more convenient than waiting around at checkout counters or going door-to-door looking for salespeople with carts full of merchandise, social proof is essential when shopping in any industry other than traditional retail (eCommerce excluded). One way you can use this powerful technique effectively while marketing your product? Show how many others bought theirs before deciding if it’s the right time to invest too! Display Reviews, Feedback, & Testimonials Positive and negative reviews can provide a great deal of social proof that you don’t want to overlook when promoting your products. If there are several customers who have bought the product in question, display their names (either real or user-generated), what they said about the purchase, how long it took them to receive it, and add some additional information such as where they purchased it from (or which online store) if possible. It also shows just how much others trust these sources since you seem like an authority by associating yourself with them! A picture is worth one thousand words – Add Product Images & Video Clips It might be cliché but this saying couldn’t ring any more true than in retail today: “a picture is worth one thousand words.” Showing how your products are used, what they look like when put together (or dissembled), and giving the viewer an idea of their size can make all the difference to someone who is on the fence about buying it! Boost eCommerce conversions by doing this for your blogs or articles as well – people won’t want to read them if you don’t present any images that capture their attention after all! Give Customers Options & Perks (if possible) If there are additional features other than just selling a product, consider offering these bonuses too so customers have more reasons why they should buy from you instead of somewhere else. For example, free shipping over $100 might incentivize buyers since not everyone is willing to pay the additional cost, but this is something they may be more than willing to shell out if it means their business goes directly towards you and not a third-party shipping company. Boost eCommerce conversions by taking advantage of these opportunities – especially when your competitors don’t offer them! Use Informational Bars & Icons for Navigation If there are certain features that customers should know about (such as return policies or other important information), use an icon like shopping carts on checkout pages where people can view all details before making a final purchase decision instead of having them click through numerous links until they get what they need. This also works great with informational bars since adding one at the top or bottom of every page will keep users from having to scroll through many screens or go looking for your FAQ page if they have a question. Boost eCommerce conversions by keeping navigation simple and easy to find, you’ll make it easier for customers to buy from you instead of going somewhere else! Create Social Media Accounts & Boost Engagement with Rewards Programs Social media isn’t just about advertising anymore – people on social networks are actively seeking out brands that they want to follow because these businesses provide frequent updates via tweets, retweets, likes/shares, and comments so users can interact socially as well. If there are rewards programs available where customer loyalty is rewarded (such as free products given away randomly), this will also boost engagement since viewers might post your new posts on their own feeds so even more people know about you which can turn into Boost eCommerce conversions! Use Testimonials from Customers Who Bought the Product Too Including testimonials on product pages is a great way to show how others have been satisfied with their purchases and this social proof could influence someone who might be undecided. Boost eCommerce conversions by having real customer names displayed alongside what they said, not just generic things that anyone with access to your site could write up since it’ll lose its value if there’s no authenticity behind these claims! Don’t Be Afraid of Negative Feedback It might be hard to take but the reality is that not everyone will like your products or services, and this can actually work in your favor! Boost eCommerce conversions by including testimonials from people who did not have a good experience with you since it’ll show potential customers how much effort you put into making sure their satisfaction was met even if they were one of the unlucky few. How to Use Social Media & Email Lists for Marketing Campaigns? These days, many online marketers are using email lists because when sent out correctly (in terms of what’s being said) they can boost eCommerce conversions exponentially compared to social media – not only do these campaigns give users more details about whatever product they’re selling through direct links on websites instead of ads where Final Thoughts using social proof as part of your marketing strategy is an effective way for businesses to boost engagement rates as well as Boost eCommerce Conversions – remember those statistics we mentioned earlier? These are some of the reasons why you should consider doing so and if some of your competitors are already using them, it’s time to do something different! People who read this post will learn